
Doctorate (in progress), International Affairs, Specialization in Conflict Management and Resolution (2019-2025)

  • Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University

    • Fast-tracked from the Master of Arts program in Summer 2020

  • Final Cumulative GPA of 11/12, expected to graduate in June 2024

  • Dissertation Focus: Fauna Crime Deterrence; Student Profile

    • Successfully defended my Dissertation Prospectus in September 2022

Professional Certificate, Risk and Crisis Management (2023)

  • London School of Economics and Political Science

  • Certified by the United Kingdom CPD Certification Service

  • Represents an understanding of the role of organizational culture in risk and crisis prevention; the theories and tools to current trends in risk and crisis management; and, the effects of accountability, transparency, and blame in risk and crisis management

Honours Bachelor of Commerce, Specialization in International Management (2018-2019)

  • Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa

  • Final Cumulative GPA of 9.1/10, graduated Summa Cum Laude in Spring 2019

  • International Exchange: Adam Smith School of Business, University of Glasgow

Honours Bachelor of Commerce, Specialization in Marketing, Co-op (2014-2018)

  • Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa

  • Final Cumulative GPA of 9.1/10, graduated Summa Cum Laude in Spring 2019

Expertise in Action

Witness Testimony

Witness, House of Commons’ Standing Committee on National Defence

  • Provided testimony to the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on National Defence for its study of Recruitment and Retention in the Canadian Armed Forces on April 4th, 2022

  • Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the study’s focus includes: the role of culture change, including the presence of sexual misconduct, harassment, and discrimination in the CAF; the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; support for families, including access to childcare; professional development opportunities; recruitment and training methodologies; and, role and impacts of privatization, contracting to the civilian sector and, occupational satisfaction


Government of Canada Security Summit 2023, Government of Canada

  • Presented my project entitled “Using Risk Assessment to Drive Collaborative Readiness Practices for Canadians Abroad: The Emergency Management Risk Index” (May 15 2023)

ISA 2023 Annual Convention, International Studies Association

  • Panel Chair: “New Insights from Corporate Environmental Disclosures” (March 17 2023)

ISA 2023 Annual Convention, International Studies Association

  • Panel Presenter: “International Security: Civil Military Relations” (March 16 2023)

  • Presented my paper entitled “Increasing Recruitment in the Canadian Armed Forces Through Gender Inclusivity: Leveraging Lessons Learned from Allies

#OC24 2022 Conference, International Association for the Study of Organized Crime - Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

  • Panel Presenter: “An Analytical Approach to Fauna Crimes” (October 13 2022)

  • Presented my paper entitled “Fauna Crime: What Causes it to Expand and Contract? A Quantitative Analysis

The Interdisciplinary Studies Section 2022 Conference, International Studies Association

  • Panel Presenter: “Environmental Crisis” (June 19 2022)

  • Presented my paper entitled “Fauna Crime: What Causes it to Expand and Contract? A Quantitative Analysis

The 2022 Emerging Perspectives Conference, Faculty of Public Affairs, Carleton University

  • Panel Presenter: “State Power and its Limits” (March 9 2022)

  • Presented my paper entitled “What Drives Fauna Crime? A Quantitative Analysis of National Correlates for Fauna Crime


Budning, Kevin; Mayer, Paxton; Palmer, J. Marshall. 2021. “Doing More With Less: Confronting COVID-19’s “Double Squeeze” on Middle Income Countries.” iAffairs Canada, March 2021.

Mayer, Paxton. 2020. “What’s in a Soldier? How to Rebrand the Canadian Armed Forces.” Canadian Global Affairs Institute, October 2020. Peer Reviewed.

Mayer, Paxton. 2019. “War Dogs: A Depiction of How Procurement Can Go So Wrong.” iAffairs Canada, December 2019.

Work History

Senior Policy Advisor, Public Safety Canada (PS), Government of Canada (2024-present)

Policy Development

  • Took a leadership role on a Memorandum to Cabinet and its associated requirements (ex. cover memo, suggested talking points, and questions and answers)

  • Led and contributed to an off-cycle budget proposal and its associated requirement (ex. cover briefing note, and letter to the Minister of Finance)

  • Led and contributed to the drafting of a public national strategy

  • Contributed to the public national strategy’s associated communications products (ex. Ministers’ speech, questions and answers, backgrounder, social media plan, and news release)

  • Led the planning and implementation of a national forum on cyber security

    • Drafted Terms of Reference

  • Provided insights and contributed to the planning and management of the Cyber Security Cooperation Program (CSCP)

    • Drafted Terms and Conditions

Senior Management Briefings

  • Provided quality briefings and memoranda to senior management (Minister, Parliamentary SecretaryDeputy Minister, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Director General) to seek guidance, “signal check”, or receive buy-in on key cyber security decisions

  • Contributed to drafts for the Cyber Security program’s corporate needs (ex. Departmental Plans, Departmental Results Report, and Program Information Profile)

  • Provided strategic advice to inform senior management on the Government of Canada’s cyber security initiatives

  • Identified emerging issues and policy gaps in cyber security and cybercrime, and assisted in developing options to address them

Stakeholder Management

  • Collaborated with external and internal stakeholders to respond to specialized queries on cyber security activities, and to produce briefing and policy documents

  • Provided mentorship and presentations to students within the Human-Centric Cybersecurity Partnership (HC2P) for their Summer 2024 Summer Report.

Data Analysis

  • Analyzed information on previous iterations of the Cyber Security Cooperation Program (CSCP) to document possible improvements for any potential future iterations of the program

  • Analyzed and compared other nations’, as well as Canadian provinces and territories’, cyber security strategies


  • Supervised, provided feedback to, and provided direction to junior staff on work products and work prioritization

Senior Risk Analyst, Global Affairs Canada (GAC), Government of Canada (2023-2024)

Risk Assessment and Management

  • Led the analysis and improvement of GAC’s risk model that measures threats and vulnerabilities to mission security by applying innovative research and statistical techniques and a variety of sources of information

  • Led the update and improvement of GAC’s risk model that monitors and analyzes emergency management risks of countries by applying innovative research and statistical techniques and a variety of sources of information

  • Analyzed, monitored, and reported on potential and on-going political, economic and security risks that may impact GAC’s people, information, operations or infrastructure through the use of a variety of sources (i.e. open-source, social media, and internal sources)

  • Responsible for assessing, analyzing, and managing security and emergency management risks to our missions abroad

Senior Management Briefings

  • Led the development of briefing products, such as an internal newsletter, dashboards, placemats and strategic reports, on a range of mission security and emergency management issues and themes by consolidating data from databases and existing products

  • Presented informational and strategic presentations on GAC’s security and emergency management risk models to senior management to ensure risk-centered decision-making

  • Provided analysis, visual diagrams, and reports on a variety of risk and readiness databases to our global readiness and security management by using Microsoft Excel, and ArcGIS and design software

  • Provided strategic advice and tools based on risk models to inform travel and visit programming, and the allocation of resources abroad

Data Analysis and Management

  • Contributed to the analysis and improvement of security reporting, readiness policies, and incident tools by managing, mining, validating, cleaning, categorizing, analyzing and visualizing departmental data

  • Analyzed threat assessment and vulnerability assessments, collected quality data and metrics to inform these risk measurements, and aided in audits and investigations.

Stakeholder Consultations

  • Verified and analyzed with security subject matter experts and with officers in mission operations the impact of various proposed policies and procedures for overseas mission environments

  • Collaborated with stakeholders to respond to specialized queries on readiness and security activities, and to produce reports

  • Consulted stakeholders during the risk model improvement process to gain their feedback and buy-in

Information Management Systems

  • Managed data system improvements and upgrades from the stakeholder perspective, to ensure that all mission personnel requirements were included

  • Responsible for managing and improving the systems that allow personnel abroad to report incidents and security needs, and personnel at headquarters to manage those requirements

  • Developed new tools for security analysis and reporting, improving processes and procedures, supporting the computer scientists with access control, and handling search queries from senior management and other stakeholders at missions abroad and at headquartersTraining


  • Contributed to the creation of training materials, such as posters and presentation seminars

  • Contributed to the education of personnel on security and emergency risk management by developing educational material for employees to teach security and emergency management risk principles, reporting requirements, and data management techniques

Readiness Risk and Data Analyst, Global Affairs Canada (GAC), Government of Canada (2020-2023)

Risk Assessment and Management

  • Led the analysis and improvement of GAC’s risk model that measures threats and vulnerabilities to mission security by applying innovative research and statistical techniques and a variety of sources of information

  • Led the update and improvement of GAC’s risk model that monitors and analyzes emergency management risks of countries by applying innovative research and statistical techniques and a variety of sources of information

  • Analyzed, monitored, and reported on potential and on-going political, economic and security risks that may impact GAC’s people, information, operations or infrastructure through the use of a variety of sources (i.e. open-source, social media, and internal sources)

  • Responsible for assessing, analyzing, and managing security and emergency management risks to our missions abroad

Senior Management Briefings

  • Led the development of briefing products, such as an internal newsletter, dashboards, placemats and strategic reports, on a range of mission security and emergency management issues and themes by consolidating data from databases and existing products

  • Presented informational and strategic presentations on GAC’s security and emergency management risk models to senior management to ensure risk-centered decision-making

  • Provided analysis, visual diagrams, and reports on a variety of risk and readiness databases to our global readiness and security management by using Microsoft Excel, and ArcGIS and design software

  • Provided strategic advice and tools based on risk models to inform travel and visit programming, and the allocation of resources abroad

Data Analysis and Management

  • Contributed to the analysis and improvement of security reporting, readiness policies, and incident tools by managing, mining, validating, cleaning, categorizing, analyzing and visualizing departmental data

  • Analyzed threat assessment and vulnerability assessments, collected quality data and metrics to inform these risk measurements, and aided in audits and investigations.

Stakeholder Consultations

  • Verified and analyzed with security subject matter experts and with officers in mission operations the impact of various proposed policies and procedures for overseas mission environments

  • Collaborated with stakeholders to respond to specialized queries on readiness and security activities, and to produce reports

  • Consulted stakeholders during the risk model improvement process to gain their feedback and buy-in

Information Management Systems

  • Managed data system improvements and upgrades from the stakeholder perspective, to ensure that all mission personnel requirements were included

  • Responsible for managing and improving the systems that allow personnel abroad to report incidents and security needs, and personnel at headquarters to manage those requirements

  • Developed new tools for security analysis and reporting, improving processes and procedures, supporting the computer scientists with access control, and handling search queries from senior management and other stakeholders at missions abroad and at headquartersTraining


  • Contributed to the creation of training materials, such as posters and presentation seminars

  • Contributed to the education of personnel on security and emergency risk management by developing educational material for employees to teach security and emergency management risk principles, reporting requirements, and data management techniques

Diversity and Inclusion

  • Represented the Readiness Programs Policy bureau at the ‘Policy Direction to Modernize the Government of Canada’s Sex and gender Information Practices’ working group

  • Participated on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion working group for the Consular branch by improving our Mentorship program

Research Assistant, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (2022)

  • Provided research assistance to Professor Michael Manulak (Carleton University) and Professor Duncan Snidal (University of Oxford & University of Chicago) with the aim of determining the impact of aviation technology on American diplomatic communication strategies

  • Collected and organized data on United States of America President and Secretary of State international travel

  • Collected and reported on aviation improvements and inventions; with a specific focus on Air Force One aircrafts

Research Assistant, Canadian Defence and Security Network (CDSN) (2020-2021)

  • Provided research documents to the Director to improve our academic outreach and emergency readiness contacts

  • Provided weekly Canadian and international defence and security news updates to help hosts of Battle Rhythm determine topics for weekly podcasts

  • Edited documents about the COVID-19 pandemic to be provided to the Department of Defence

  • Contributed to the Year Ahead 2021 Conference, which had over 300 participants: a virtual conference that focused on China relations, global health and safety, women in defence, diversity in defence, and Russia’s greyzone warfare

    • Led the writing and editing of the Year Ahead 2021 Report

  • Provided recommendations and comments about the organization’s diversity and inclusion initiatives

  • Assembled and edited the CDSN’s Annual 2021 Report

  • Contributed to the Year Ahead 2022 Conference, which had over 300 participants: a virtual and in-person conference that focused on greyzone warfare, islamophobia, organizational change in the Canadian Armed Forces, and Canadian Armed Forces’ domestic operations

    • Collaborated in the writing and editing of the Year Ahead 2022 Report

Data Analyst, Global Affairs Canada (GAC), Government of Canada (2017, 2019, 2020)

  • Provided insightful analysis for a report of Canada’s contribution to the United Nations in comparison to other G7 and G20 countries (and compared total amounts and amounts in comparison to each country’s GDP)

  • Conducted GAC’s first Data Mining Pilot to support the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada’s ongoing North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations

    • Utilized machine-learning software, IBM Watson Explorer and IBM Watson Analytics for Social Media, to analyze Canadian sentiment towards NAFTA and the ongoing negotiations

      • The process involved data cleansing and statistical analysis of citizen consultations and activity on multiple social media channels

    • Determined statistical significance of findings using methods such as chi-squares and regression analysis

    • Created a report that visualized findings gained through the analysis and presented findings to Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Financial Officer about the gained insight

  • Provided multi-year analysis of the Public Service Employee Survey for the CFO and CIO of GAC.

    • Used statistical methods and software to understand statistically significant results

    • Created slide decks for individual teams and the branch as a whole to explain yearly changes and areas for improvement

    • Utilized IBM software to create interactive visualizations for managers.

  • Performed analysis and provided recommendations for GAC’s green initiatives, such as how to reduce carbon emissions

  • Reviewed and reported on a GAC tech pilot that aimed to improve operations in its American locations

  • Conducted and analyzed multiple surveys, including surveys that measured employee satisfaction, tech migrations, and the readability of internal messages

Associate Editor and Research Assistant, iAffairs Canada, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (2019-2020)

  • Contributed to the relaunch of the website through a marketing plan, event planning, the creation of promotional materials, and leading the social media outreach

  • Wrote, edited, and posted articles to the iAffairs website

  • Assisted in organizing an iAffairs conference, entitled Glorious and Free? Making Sense of Canadian Foreign Policy in an Era of Nationalism, Populism and Illiberalism, by finding 3 panelists and 2 moderators, and by providing graphic design (through posters, Facebook images, and pamphlets) and videography (through interviews of the panelists)

  • Provided research assistance to Professor David Carment (Carleton University)

Writing Consultant, Carleton University (2019)

  • Provided writing assistance to undergraduate and graduate students at Carleton University by reviewing essay structure, purpose statements, and citation formation

Strategy and Operations Management Consultant, BDO Canada LLP (2018)

  • Formulated strategic plans and options analyses to aid Canadian municipalities and First Nations improve their economic development activities

  • Conducted thorough research to identify funding opportunities for First Nations’ general economic development

  • Researched and advised on the economic development opportunities and risks regarding the new federal Cannabis Act to over 30 First Nations

  • Advised and provided a draft for a Memorandum of Understanding to a First Nation in order for it to collaborate with a national cannabis corporation and drive economic development

  • Managed project scope, timelines, and business analysis of a federal Grants and Contributions Information Technology (IT) project

  • Provided project management and business analysis for a Canadian federal governmental department’s transformational Grants and Contributions IT project by creating an analysis framework to prioritize discretionary and non-discretionary requirements

  • Engaged with the Board and Executive of a provincial mutual insurance company to determine criteria for potential amalgamation partners

Telfer Peer Mentor, Telfer School of Management (2017-2018)

  • Mentored over 20 students at the Telfer School of Management by remaining in constant contact, providing up-to-date information about events, and listening to and advising on mentees’ needs

  • Took initiative to create relationships amongst the mentees, provide a positive outlet to mentees, and help international students adjust to cultural differences

  • Acted as a school representative at several events and workshops, such as the Leaders Reception and Pool & School

Financial Administrator, Fotenn Consultants (2017)

  • Coordinated the timely creation and distribution of hundreds of invoices to various clients every month

  • Negotiated late payment terms directly with overdue clients

  • Inputted employee expenditures and client billing to ensure prompt payments

Transformation & Change Management Consultant, Interis | BDO Canada LLP (2017)

  • Supported the project management of a Canadian federal agency-wide data management project

  • Developed a research bank of federal economic development opportunities specific to First Nations for the Assembly of First Nations

  • Researched and reported on international procurement best practices for a federal government department

  • Conducted market research on firms within the Ottawa area who provided human resource services to determine whether Interis | BDO Canada LLP would be able to price its service competitively

  • Attended interviews with high-ranking government officials, provided notes on interviews to the project team, and contributed to the final presentation for an independent technology project review for a Canadian federal agency

Business Liaison, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), Government of Canada (2016)

  • Led learning sessions on Microsoft Dynamics CRM to multiple business branches and Assistant Deputy Ministers

    • Internal adoption gained through these sessions allowed for the quick deployment of systems designed to provide information, benefits, and support during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Pitched technical possibilities to clients using videos created with Adobe Captivate

  • Using Agile methodology, created slide decks that described mock-ups and prototypes using Microsoft Dynamics CRM for clients

  • Conducted business analysis on the Labour division’s business operations to determine business processes and workflows that could be translated to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution

Awards and Honours

Recipient, Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Government of Ontario & Carleton University (2024)

  • Awarded to Ontario’s best graduate students in all disciplines of academic study

Recipient, Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Government of Ontario & Carleton University (2023)

  • Awarded to Ontario’s best graduate students in all disciplines of academic study

Recipient, Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Government of Ontario & Carleton University (2022)

  • Awarded to Ontario’s best graduate students in all disciplines of academic study

Winner, International Policy Ideas Challenge (IPIC), Global Affairs Canada (2020)

  • Provided GAC with a written report and presentation on the effects of COVID-19 on three developing nations and where GAC should direct its future international assistance; entitled “Doing More With Less: Confronting COVID-19’s ‘Double Squeeze’ on Middle-Income Countries: Examples from Ecuador, Lebanon, and the Philippines”

Recipient, Entrance and Departmental Scholarships (Doctoral), Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs & the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University (2020-2024) 

  • Awarded to students who enter a Carleton University PhD program with a high GPA

Recipient, Joubin-Selig Scholarship, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, Carleton University (2019)

  • Awarded to outstanding students entering the master’s program at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs

Recipient, Research Scholarship Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, Carleton University (2019)

  • Awarded to students who possess a strong aptitude for research

Recipient, Entrance and Departmental Scholarships (Master’s), Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs & the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University (2019) 

  • Awarded to students who enter Carleton University Master’s program with a high GPA

1st Place, International Business Case, Telfer Internal Case Competition, Telfer School of Management (2018)

  • Competed against teams of third and fourth year students by presenting a solution for a St. Laurent shipping port

  • Sponsored by Export Development Canada (EDC), an agency of the Government of Canada

1st Place, Michel Cloutier Marketing Competition, Telfer School of Management (2018)

  • Competed against over 50 other fourth year students presenting a nation-wide promotional strategy for, and sponsored by, Canadian Blood Services (CBS), a company heavily funded and regulated by the Government of Canada

1st Place, Intopia Business Strategy Competition, Telfer School of Management (2018)

  • Competed against over 120 other fourth year students

  • Made time-sensitive strategic decisions, negotiated with competitors in order to grow our business, and used financial statements and market research to determine future strategy

1st Place, International Business Case, Jeux de Commerce Centrale, Canadian Association of Business Students (2017)

  • Competed against 11 other Canadian business schools by creating a strategic solution for General Mills’ farmer network in Africa

  • Sponsored by Export Development Canada (EDC), an agency of the Government of Canada

Member Inductee, Beta Gamma Sigma (2017)

  • Inducted into an exclusive global business honour society accredited by the Association to Advance Collegial Schools of Business (AACSB) International where members are students who possess a CGPA of 8.5 or higher at the beginning of their sixth semester of studies at one of 820 business institutions in 53 countries accredited by AACSB International

Recipient, Michel Cloutier Scholarship, Telfer School of Management (2017)

  • Awarded to exceptional marketing students who bring the business community closer to Telfer and who participate in business case competitions

Recipient, 3 Pillar Award, Conseil Étudiant Telfer Student Council (2017)

  • Awarded to a driven student who helps others envision, engage, and evolve their professional, academic, and social developmental goals

Recipient, Dean’s Honour List, Telfer School of Management (2015-2019)

  • Awarded to students who possess a GPA of 8.5 or higher

Recipient, Admission and Merit Scholarships, Telfer School of Management & University of Ottawa (2014-2019)

  • Awarded to students who enter the University of Ottawa with a high school average of 85% or higher, and maintain a GPA of 8.5 or higher

Certificates and Licenses


Certified in Cybersecurity, International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC2)

  • Represents an understanding of security principles; incident response, business continuity (BC) and disaster recovery (DR) concepts; access control concepts; network security; and security operations.

Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF) B2, Ministry of National Education, Government of France

  • Internationally represents a degree of independence in constructing arguments and ideas with spontaneity and fluency by writing, speaking, listening, and reading in the French Language for non-native French speakers

Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History

  • Represents an understanding of: the study of ecosystems; ecology and ecosystem dynamics using a systems thinking lens; how to investigate the complex array of factors that inform management efforts; whether an ecosystem can recover from anthropogenic disruption and what role humans can, and should, play in that recovery

Essentials of Enterprise Security Risk Management, ASIS International

  • Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) is a strategic approach to security management that ties an organization’s security practice to its overall strategy using globally accepted and established risk management principles

  • Represents an understanding of how to: describe the ESRM cycle, and the roles and responsibilities of ESRM actors; align an organization’s ESRM to its mission, values, operating environment, and stakeholders; apply ESRM founding principles (holistic risk management, partnership with stakeholders, transparency, and governance) to an organization’s risk management strategy; and, use ESRM knowledge and skills to advance an organization’s risk management practices

Essentials of Security Risk Assessment, ASIS International

  • A security risk assessment considers the probability and criticality of an organization’s threats, assets, and vulnerabilities in order to determine the organization’s security risk priorities

  • Represents an understanding of how to: outline the security risk assessment process; determine and assess sources of risk; collect data and report on incidents; conduct site surveys and interviews; and, identify and assess countermeasures

Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+), Government of Canada

  • Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) is an analytical process used to assess how diverse groups of women, men and non-binary people may experience policies, programs, and initiatives

  • Represents an understanding of how to: define the key concepts of GBA+; apply foundational GBA+ concepts and processes; recognize how various identity factors can influence the experience of federal government initiatives; and, identify how GBA+ can enhance the responsiveness, effectiveness, and outcomes of federal government initiatives

How to Leverage OSINT Data During a Crisis, ASIS International

  • Represents an understanding of OSINT’s role during a crisis: the importance of primary data sources, which data sources and tools will support the crisis response, and the common pitfalls of using OSINT data.

  • Represents an understanding of how to effectively respond to a crisis through quickly being able to communicate the crisis alert and its impact, and through effectively scaling an OSINT team.

safeTalk, Carleton University

  • Represents knowledge on how to: notice and respond to situations where suicide thoughts might be present; recognize that invitations for help are often overlooked; move beyond the common tendency to miss, dismiss, and avoid suicide; apply the TALK steps: Tell, Ask, Listen, and Keep Safe; and, connect those with thoughts of suicide to community resources for further help

Tropical Forest Landscapes 101: Conservation & Restoration, Yale University

  • Represents an understanding of: the workings of a tropical forest ecosystem, and how it relates to climate change and biodiversity; the importance of tropical forest landscapes, and the actors and motivations driving restoration and conservation efforts; conservation theory and dynamic aspects of conserving species and landscapes; a spectrum of restoration strategies and key considerations for restoration; and, basic financial concepts and potential sources of conservation and restoration funding


G Driver’s License, Government of Ontario

  • Represents a knowledge of vehicle operations and safety

  • Allows the holder to drive a car, van, or small truck

Pleasure Craft Operator Card, Government of Canada

  • Represents a knowledge of boat operations and safety

  • Allows the holder to captain a recreational motor boat

SMART Serve License, The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario

  • Provincially represents knowledge of alcohol and gaming laws

  • Allows the holder to serve alcohol in public establishments


Ph.D. Representative, Faculty Board, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (2022-2023)

  • Attended monthly NPSIA Faculty Board meetings to represent the interests of the Ph.D. students and candidates, including: raising concerns expressed by fellow members of the Ph.D. program, acting as an intermediary between students and department faculty, and appearing at Special Committee meetings

  • Contributed to social planning, such as planning events for PhD students to meet up outside a program context

  • Contributed to student mentoring, such as meeting with new students at the start of the academic year

  • Contributed to the administration of the (unofficial) NPSIA Ph.D. Students’ Facebook page

President, Telfer Marketing Association (TMA), Telfer School of Management (2016-2017)

  • Led a team of 16 students to build student passion about marketing and connect them with business professionals

  • Conducted market research on similar clubs and events in order to determine best practices and competitive advantages

  • Spearheaded the organization of the Telfer Internal Case Competition by collaborating with 4 other Telfer student clubs to sell-out a competition involving over 150 participants, 50 volunteers, and 10 professionals

  • Supervised the organization of ‘MadMarketing 2017’, a Telfer flagship event, which provided young professionals a 2:1 attendee ratio with Marketing professionals from Ottawa and Toronto and their surrounding communities

  • Nominated for ‘Telfer Best Club of the Year’, and ‘Telfer Event of the Year’ for ‘MadMarketing 2017’

101 Week Captain, Conseil Étudiant Telfer Student Council (2016, 2017)

  • Supervised student leaders and over 600 incoming students and international students throughout a week-long set of orientation activities

Crowd Funding Coordinator, Enactus uOttawa, University of Ottawa (2015-2016)

  • Led ‘The Growcer’ crowd funding campaign. The Growcer aimed to provide affordable fruits and vegetables to northern communities and to provide an entrepreneurial hub by using recycled shipping containers and aqua-farm technology o Managed a team of 8 students

    • Researched over 7 platforms to determine which platform would provide optimal reach for our project

    • Determined all photography and videography needs to create a solid campaign

    • Created a six-month performance measurement plan to communicate goals and successes to funders and followers through multiple channels

  • Supported the organization of the Reveer crowd funding campaign by creating lists and schedules, and by providing marketing advice to the Reveer marketing lead. Reveer is a project that aimed to sell backpacks and accessories made of recycled materials and to give steady employment to new immigrants of Canada

Vice President of Marketing, E.L.E Music Festival, University of Ottawa (2015-2016)

  • Designed complete marketing campaign, which included guerrilla techniques

  • Created the event budget using quotes from mascot costume company, venue, and musicians

  • Communicated to team members the different responsibilities and necessary meeting times

  • Discussed with team members different marketing campaigns so each member understood tactics & responsibilities

  • Created a weekly schedule of all tasks that were to be completed per team member

  • Provided President with full report and description of all planned marketing techniques

Director of Sponsorship, Telfer Marketing Association (TMA), Telfer School of Management (2015-2016)

  • Collected over $6,500 in sponsorship funds through networking with over 300 different professionals and students

  • Conducted market research to determine sponsorship opportunities within Ottawa, Ontario, and Canada

  • Took and edited photos for the Telfer Marketing Association website

  • Aided the Telfer Marketing Association and 3 other student clubs in organizing and running the first annual Telfer Internal Case Competition, which had over 120 student participants and approximately 15 professionals and professors